INDIGO Brilliant
Place, where we offer a comprehensive
and engaging summer program for children of all ages
INDIGO Educational Programs
Welcome to INDIGO Educational Programs, where we offer a comprehensive and engaging summer program for children of all ages. Our goal is to provide a stimulating and supportive environment where children can explore new interests, develop new skills, and make lasting memories.

At INDIGO, we believe that learning should be fun and interactive. That's why we offer a diverse range of activities that cater to different interests and learning styles. From science experiments and robotics to creative arts and music, our campers have the opportunity to discover new passions and develop new skills.
Explore Our Holiday Programs
Holidays are always too short to spend them on the couch. Join our camps and internships!
Study in the Czech Republic
Did you know that foreigners can access higher education in the Czech Republic for free? We offer packages ranging from Czech language preparatory programs to university degrees in English
Meet Our Leaders
The smartest people are constantly working to provide the best service in order to make our customers happy
  • Zlata Migulka
    Customer Engagement
    Zlata is the go-to person in our company. Your first interaction it's often with her. She spends most of her time making our customers feel cared for and facilitating the communication with the company. If you have any suggestions or ideas, you can write to her.
  • Alexis Bernardi
    Sports Director
    Alexis has a passion for hiking, biking and many other outdoor activities. He knows how to connect students with nature in a joyful and exciting way. By going for a hike with Alexis, you will enjoy not only the beautiful nature, but rich conversations full of tips and fun facts.
  • Dmitry Lopatin
    Fun Director
    Dima is responsible for leisure programs and he is always making sure that everybody is having fun and a good time. Dima will find a common language with everyone, you don't even have to speak the same language to do so. He is truly a people's person, full of good energy.
Our Prague GUIDEamus
Here we would like to share with you our news about INDIGO life
Do you have any questions?
Find answers below or contact us!
Our Customers Love Us
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  • Alex
    MD, USA
    I really enjoyed my trip to Europe. I met a lot of new friends, which I still talk with today, and have had many interesting experiences. I especially liked Czechia, with the Karlov Bridge being a very beautiful attraction, and the Mines at Kutna Hora giving me a fun experience. I recommend this trip.
  • Arina
    Cheljabinsk, Russia
    Привет! Я ездила на летнюю школу английского языка летом 2018. Все было здорово, преподаватель американец, много развлечений и свободное время. На занятиях много разговаривали и играли, а организаторы школы проводили с нами много времени, показывали интересные места Праги, гуляли. Особенно круто было кататься на лодке по Влтаве! Общежитие, в котором мы жили, вполне приличное, классный вид на Прагу (мы жили на каком-то очень высоком этаже). Ну и сам район, в котором жили, тоже очень приятный, рядом милые домики и маленький парк, и до центра можно быстро доехать на трамвае.
  • Roman
    Moscow, Russia
    Ездили на стажировку в Прагу в 2014, изучали язык и проводили спортивные сборы по боксу. Очень поправилось, хорошая организация, отнеслись внимательно во всех вопросах, проводили, встретили на месте и курировали на протяжении всех 17 дней, что мы там провели. Организовали проживание, питание, тренировки спортивные (в которые входил тренажерный зал, зал бокса и бассейн) и интересную экскурсионную программу. Также оформили визы. Остались только самые теплые впечатления!

    Как руководитель и старший тренер Боксерского клуба Шторм ( , выражаю огромную благодарность компании Indigo Brilliant и ее работникам, за незабываемое времяпровождение. Всем очень понравилось, обязательно повторим.